What if my blood pressure is too high for TRT?

Steps you can take to help us track and monitor your blood pressure.

We avoid performing SoftWave TRT on a patient with blood pressure higher than 180/100 because this level of hypertension indicates a hypertensive crisis, which poses significant health risks. Here’s why:

  1. Risk of Cardiovascular Events: Extremely high blood pressure can increase the risk of heart attack, stroke, or other cardiovascular complications during any form of treatment. SoftWave TRT, while non-invasive, may still cause mild discomfort or stress that could elevate blood pressure further, increasing the risk of these events.

  2. Body's Response to Care: SoftWave TRT uses acoustic waves that stimulate the body's healing processes. For someone in a hypertensive crisis, their body is already under significant strain, and any additional stimulus could exacerbate this stress, leading to adverse reactions.

  3. Hypertensive Crisis: Blood pressure above 180/100 mmHg is considered a medical emergency. A hypertensive patient may already be experiencing damage to critical organs (heart, brain, kidneys), and delaying medical intervention could worsen the condition, potentially leading to life-threatening events like a stroke or aneurysm.

  4. Increased Risk for Complications: High blood pressure can cause weakened or damaged blood vessels. Acoustic wave therapy could theoretically stress the vascular system further, potentially leading to complications such as vessel rupture, particularly if blood flow is already compromised by hypertension.

Therefore, ensuring blood pressure is controlled and within a safer range helps protect the patient from preventable complications and allows their body to respond to SoftWave TRT more effectively.

If your blood pressure runs high, please download this sheet to track your blood pressure and bring it to your visit.