Instructions on how to reach doctors FOR EMERGENCIES ONLY.
If this is a medical emergency, call 911
If you need to reach your doctor outside our office hours for EMERGENCIES ONLY:
- Call the office at (734) 274-5107
- When the voicemail greeting picks up, press '2' to reach our emergency extension
- State your name when prompted
- Wait for the doctor on call to answer or the voicemail greeting. If prompted, please leave a voicemail.
Your doctor will be notified of an emergency call. If (s)he can't answer, please leave a voicemail. If your situation requires, your doctor will call you back.
The following are reasons you won't be able to get in touch with your doctor:
- Your doctor is traveling to an area with no cell phone reception
- Your doctor is on a scheduled leave and has disabled emergency access. In this case, wait for office hours or try a different doctor's extension.
- Your doctor is in a meeting or other activity that doesn't allow for checking his/her cell phone